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Frequently Asked Questions

Amendments to the Regulation  16 March 2020 11:59 10695

What are the training documents that the training personnel to be appointed as master trainers in the field of foreign language in institutions should have in the field where they will be assigned?

Those who will be appointed as master instructors in the field of foreign language in institutions, in accordance with the Regulation on Foreign Language Level Determination Procedures and Principles published in the Official Gazette dated 4/1/2013 and numbered 28518, or the Foreign Language Exams Prepared by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center. According to the Directive for Determining Equivalences and the table of Foreign Language Exams Equivalences, he/she must certify that he/she has at least C level foreign language knowledge.

Which documents are attached to the documents required to be prepared in the opening of institutions?

The documents required in the application for opening an institution are the building title deed, the building occupancy permit, passport photo, photocopy of the tax plate, and the conformity opinion to be obtained from the relevant organized industrial zone board of directors in the event that a private education institution is wanted to be opened by persons other than the legal entity of the organized industrial zone. text has been added.

What documents will be required regarding the right to use the garden of kindergartens that do not have independent buildings?

For the garden use of kindergartens to be opened in independent sections of a main real estate registered as a residence in the land registry, a unanimous consent document of all floor owners will be requested.

What are the annexes that should be given with the building soundness report in the institution opening file?

The technical report prepared by the provincial directorates of environment and urbanism, the project authors of the building, authorized freelance project offices or the relevant departments of the universities, indicating that the building to be opened is strong and durable, and the annexes that form the basis of the report will be included in the opening file. The conclusion part of the building soundness report, which includes the conformity opinion, will be sent to the Ministry only for the opening, transfer and settlement plan changes for schools; Other sections where analysis values are specified will be kept in the governorships.

Which institutions will MEBCBS cover, how will its operations be carried out?

MEBCBS covers only schools. In order to record the school to be opened in the Ministry Geographical Information System (MEBCBS), the measurement sketch data, which includes the building, wall, garden and similar details, determined by the General Directorate and taken in accordance with the format published on the website, must be uploaded to MEBCBS by the system administrator in charge of the provincial national education directorate. will be submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Is it possible to apply to open an institution with a missing document?

When applying to open an institution to the National Education Directorate, all documents specified in the Regulation annex (ANNEX-1) form must be received in full, depending on the type and level of the institution to be opened. In case of missing documents, the application will not be accepted.

If the founders who have received administrative fines want to open an institution, what should they do about these penalties?

In the event that persons who have received an administrative fine apply to open an institution, their application is documented after the payment of the administrative fine or deferred and/or in installments in accordance with the Law No. 6183 on the Collection of Public Receivables of 21/7/1953 or structured according to special laws and paid in installments. will be processed.

How will the review process be carried out regarding the application for opening an institution?

Within five working days from the application to open an institution, two people, from the education inspector/provincial or district national education branch manager/educational specialist/researchers, are assigned to conduct examinations in the institution. Assigned persons shall issue and submit the examination report within fifteen business days at the latest, following the notification of the assignment letter/approval to them. (In applications, the application conditions (quota) specified in the relevant Regulations are also taken into account when opening Private Transport Services Vocational Training and Development Courses and Private Motor Vehicle Drivers Courses.)

Which institutions' permission to open institutions, business and working licenses will be issued by the governorships?

Except for private schools and social activity centers, the applications of all private education institutions will be examined by the governorships, and those who are found suitable will be granted a business license and a business license.

What is the process to be followed in the opening procedures of pre-school education institutions and social activity centers?

After all the documents related to the opening of the pre-school education institution and social activity centers are completed, they will be sent to the Ministry within five working days in order to issue the permission to open an institution and a business and work license.

What is the process to be followed in the opening procedures of primary, secondary, secondary and special education schools?

Documents belonging to primary, secondary, secondary and special education schools are submitted to the Ministry with the approval of the governorship until the date determined by the Ministry in the following years, until 7 August 2020 at the latest for the 2020-2021 academic year, in order to issue the permission to open an institution, open a workplace and work license. will be sent.

When there is a change in the business and working license information of the institutions whose licenses are subject to a fee, will a document showing that the license fee has been paid will be requested?

In case of a change in the information on opening a business and working license, a document showing that the fee has been paid due to the change in license will be requested from the institutions whose license is subject to fees.

How long is the application period for the institution to open a social activity center within the scope of the protocol approved by the Ministry?

If an application is not made to open an institution in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulation within one year following the signing of the protocol with the Ministry to open a social activity center, the cooperation protocol will be deemed to have been cancelled.

What action will be taken if it is later determined that the real person founders of private education institutions, the management bodies of legal entity founders and the founding representatives, included in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law, do not meet the conditions specified in the same paragraph?

In case it is later determined that the persons in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law do not meet the conditions specified in the same paragraph, the institution's permission to open an institution and the license to open a workplace and work will be revoked.

Which courses can use foreign names in the name of the institution?

Of the various courses, only foreign language courses can be used as foreign names. In case of adding another program besides the foreign language program, a foreign name will not be given.

Can abbreviations be used in institution names?

Institutions will be able to use their names with their abbreviations, if any, excluding the abbreviations in the TDK abbreviation index. Along with the name of the institution, its abbreviation must be stated in the establishment permit and business and working license. Institutions will be able to use the abbreviation of not only the name of the institution, but also in signage, advertisement, advertisement and all kinds of works and transactions.

After the administrative fines given to the institutions, what kind of way will be followed in the repetition of the same act that requires the penalty?

In case of acts contrary to the provisions of the Law and the regulations and directives put into effect based on the Law, an administrative fine will be imposed on the institution. In case it is determined that the act for which the administrative fine is imposed has been committed again by the institution, the administrative fine will be increased and applied. In the third repetition of the same act, the permission to open an institution and the license to open a workplace and work will be canceled. (For special education and rehabilitation centers, Article 43 of the Decree No. 652 will be taken into account.)

Will another penalty be given to the founder whose license to open an institution and a business and work license has been revoked?

As a result of the investigation, the founder whose license to open an institution and whose license to open a workplace and work has been revoked will not be granted permission to open an institution again, or to take over an institution or to become a partner in an institution, before five years have passed.

Are there any personnel who should continue to work in institutions that have suspended education and training activities at the request of the founder?

The director of the institution will continue to work in institutions that interrupt education and training activities at the request of the founder.

How many square meters of garden area should there be in private schools outside the area where the school building is located?

In private schools excluding pre-school education institutions, there will be at least 500 m2 garden for each school opened outside the area where the school building is located.

How will the garden condition be applied in schools to be opened together?

A minimum of 500 m2 garden conditions will be sought for each of the schools other than the kindergarten opened in the same detached building or in different detached buildings.

What should be the characteristics of transport and forwarding systems in institutions?

In institutions with more than one floor other than the ground floor of the building or in institutions to be opened outside the ground floor of the building, the standards determined by the TSE and the floor limit (three floors) determined by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services for the disabled, the stair structure While there is no harm in using the devices with the phrase "used" and classified accordingly, on flat/stairwell stairs, devices with the phrase "not used in a spiral staircase" and classified accordingly cannot be used in spiral / spiral staircases.) and maximum load carrying condition (stairs that do not carry wheelchairs) Maximum carrying capacity of climbing devices is 130 kg and wheelchair-carrying stair climbing devices with a maximum carrying capacity of 160 kg).

In which parts of the institution building cannot have security cameras in private education institutions?

Security cameras cannot be placed in schools and other institutions to see inside the classrooms and sections, teachers' room, administrator and other study/resting rooms, guidance room, library, gym, swimming pool, toilet, sink, place of worship and similar units.

How should the new layout plan be in the program additions of the schools? When does the education of the new program start?

In addition to the program, at least one classroom for the kindergarten to be added to the schools, and at least four classrooms for each program of the vocational and technical Anatolian high schools, and a layout plan for the practice classrooms. Kindergarten program addition, on the date it was made; In vocational and technical Anatolian high schools, the program addition approvals given after September 1 will be implemented as of the following year.

In case of adding a program to private education courses, which issues will be included in the examination report?

In the case of adding a program for high school and equivalent school students to special education courses that implement programs for high school and equivalent school students, or adding a program for graduates, to special education courses applying a program for graduates; In the examination to be carried out by the education inspector/provincial or district national education branch manager/education expert/researcher assigned by the provincial directorate of national education, in accordance with the provision in the third paragraph of Article 12 of the Regulation on the program addition; It will be stated in the examination report that the science classrooms where high school and equivalent school students and graduates who attend private education courses are educated on separate floors or in different blocks within the same building.

When should the founder's representative be authorized to transfer the institution in the transfer of the institution?

In the applications made for the transfer of the institution, the authority of the founder's representative to transfer the institution must be the decision of the board of directors taken within the last month.

What is the newly added statement to the corporate transfer note?

In the notarized transfer note, it will be stated that, together with the other issues specified in the Regulation, the administrative fines and closure penalty will be accepted as a result of the examination/investigation/audit made in the institution before the transfer.

Will the building title deed be requested during the transfer of the institution?

During the transfer of the institution, a building title deed will be requested along with the lease agreement. However, in the transfer of institutions opened before the effective date of the amendment, transactions can be made with the title deed of the institution in the opening application.

Who should apply to the directorate of national education, by whom and within how long?

In the transfer of the institution, an application will be made to the directorate of national education by the transferee of the institution within thirty working days from the date of issuance of the transfer note by the notary public. In applications made after the expiry of this period, the transfer certificate will be reissued.

What action will be taken against those who have administrative fines among the institutions for which transfer applications are made?

Among the institutions for which transfer application has been made, it should be documented that those who have administrative fines have paid the administrative fine or have postponed and/or paid these fines according to the relevant laws or have been structured according to their special laws and have been paid in installments, and that the persons in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law meet the conditions specified in the same paragraph. If it is determined with the document obtained and it is determined later that they do not meet the conditions, the permission to open an institution and the license to open a workplace and work must be cancelled.

Which institutions cannot be transferred?

Institutions that have an administrative investigation or that have a proposal to close cannot be transferred.

In which cases will not be requested from the founder a certificate of transfer? What are the actions to be performed?

In case of merger, division or type change of the founding company with another company, a transfer certificate will not be required. However, it is necessary to apply to the governorship with the Trade Registry Gazette regarding the merger, division or conversion, documents regarding the appointment of the founding representative, and the document stating that the new real person founder of the institution, the management bodies of the legal entity founders and the founding representatives meet the conditions specified in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law. However, a lease agreement drawn up on behalf of the merged new founder will also be requested.

What action will be taken regarding these penalties of institutions that apply for conversion and have administrative fines?

Institutions that have applied for conversion and have administrative fines must certify that these penalties have been postponed and/or paid in installments according to their relevant laws, or have structured them in installments according to their special laws, and that the persons in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law have the conditions specified in the same paragraph, with a document obtained from the competent authorities. to be made; If it is determined later that it does not meet the conditions, the permission to open an institution and the license to open a workplace and work must be cancelled.

Which institutions cannot be transformed?

Institutions that have an administrative investigation or that have a proposal to close will not be converted.

What was added to the reasons for leaving the building abruptly?

Urban transformation was added to the reasons for abruptly leaving the building, and the evacuation decision was clarified and a court evacuation decision was made.

In the event of a sudden departure from the building, what conditions will be sought in the building where temporary transfer will be made, and which conditions will not be sought?

In the event of a sudden departure from the building, the conditions for the detached building, garden, classroom and sections where classes are held, which are required to be in the institution according to the type of institution, in accordance with the curriculum implemented by the institution and the number of registered students / trainees, in the building to which the temporary transfer will be made, and the second paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulation. Documents specified in subparagraphs (k) and (m) will be required. In addition, other transport conditions (ceiling height, window area, corridor width, door and staircase width, etc.) will not be sought.

Can private motor vehicle drivers courses and private transportation services vocational training and development courses be transferred between districts?

Private motor vehicle drivers courses and private transportation services vocational training and development courses will not be able to be transferred between districts.

Is it necessary to examine other parts of the building when the layout and quota changes by adding buildings, blocks and floors?

By adding buildings, blocks and floors, the quota will be determined by looking at the common areas as well as the changing sections in the layout and quota changes.

In case of loss of the founder's right, what will be the closure process of the founder?

In case of loss of the right of founding, the time given to the real person founder, who lost his right to be a founder, to close or transfer his institution has been reduced from three months to two months. If the transfer or closure process has not taken place within the given period, at the end of the academic year in schools and at the end of the curriculum applied in other institutions, the institution's permission to open an institution and business and working licenses will be revoked.

What will be the process of changing the founding representative of the founder in case the founder representative loses his right to be the founder representative or dies?

In institutions whose founder is a legal person, the time given to legal person founders to change their founding representative has been reduced from three months to two months in case the founder representative loses his right to be a founder representative or dies. If the founding representative is not changed within the given period, at the end of the academic year in schools and at the end of the curriculum applied in other institutions, the institution's permission to open an institution and the license to open a workplace and work will be revoked.

What action will be taken if the founder, founder's representative or persons in the management bodies are found to be members, affiliations or affiliations with terrorist organizations specified in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law, or with structures, formations or groups that are determined by the National Security Council to be engaged in activities against the national security of the State?

In case of determination of membership, affiliation or affiliation with the terrorist organizations specified in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law, or with the structures, formations or groups determined by the National Security Council to be engaged in activities against the national security of the State, the founder, the founder's representative or the persons in the management bodies are authorized to open an institution without any time limit. and business license will be revoked.

Can institutions that are requested to be closed at the request of the founder be closed in case of an ongoing investigation?

In the event that there is an investigation about the institution, which is requested to be closed at the request of the founder, the institution cannot be closed until the investigation is concluded. However, if it is stated in the preliminary report by the investigators that there is no obstacle to the closure or transfer of the institution, the institution may be closed with the appropriate opinion of the relevant authority.

In which situation can institutions be closed or canceled at the request of the founder?

If there is no student, trainee or personnel record in the MEBBIS module and there is no investigation about the institution, the program can be canceled or the institutions can be closed at the request of the founder.

Can the general manager and assistant general managers in the institutions attend the course?

A work permit will be issued for the general manager and assistant general managers in charge of the institutions as the personnel of an institution belonging to the founder, and if they meet the necessary conditions, they can also be given lectures at the institutions.

How will work permit issuance procedures be carried out for training personnel and other personnel?

A work permit will be issued within 10 days following the application, for the training personnel and other personnel who are determined to meet the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law, with a document obtained from the competent authorities regarding the result of the security investigation and archive research. However, if the said document from the competent authorities is not sent within the specified time, the work permit document of the personnel in question will be conditionally issued if it is found that the above conditions are met as a result of the examination of the criminal record and archive record document belonging to the personnel, which can also be obtained via e-Government. The work permits of those who are determined by the competent authorities as a result of the security investigation and archive research that the said personnel do not meet the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law are revoked.

Will the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law be sought for the personnel employed through the service procurement method?

The conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law will also be sought for the personnel employed through the service procurement method.

What will be the process of obtaining the work permits of the education personnel who will continue to work?

Regardless of the start date of the previous contract, the revised contracts together with the list of the education personnel who will continue to work will be given to the national education directorates to receive the approval of the extension of the work permits, at the latest 30 days before the expiry date of the previous contract, in June. In the process of extending the work permits of the education personnel within this scope, security investigation and archive research will not be requested from the competent authorities.

Will the equivalence of a diploma or diploma substitute document be required in the assignment of foreign administrators, teachers, specialists and master trainers?

For the assignment of foreign administrators, teachers, specialists and master trainers, a document from the Higher Education Council regarding the equivalence of a foreign undergraduate diploma or diploma substitute will be requested.

Can the founder or founding representative give lectures?

The founder or founding representatives who meet the necessary conditions can also be appointed as training personnel in the institution.

Can the founder's representative transfer his authority?

In the absence of restrictions, the founder's representative may only transfer his authority regarding personnel recruitment to a third person, with the permission of the governorship, without the need for a resolution of the board of directors, who meet the conditions of being the founder's representative.

What action will be taken if it is later determined that the personnel working in the institution do not meet the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law?

If it is later determined that the personnel working in the institution do not meet the conditions in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law, the work permit will be cancelled.

Who can attend independent classes at schools other than teachers?

MTAL or CPAL child development and education graduates of master trainers assigned in pre-school education institutions and specialist instructors who have an associate degree from the same field will be able to attend the course independently. Specialist instructors to be assigned in other schools will be required to have at least a bachelor's degree in order to attend the course independently.

In the event that the directorate of the institution becomes vacant for various reasons, who acts as the deputy for the directorate in the institution?

In the event that the directorate of the institution becomes vacant due to various reasons, one of the training personnel in charge can be assigned as a proxy in the event that there is no training personnel in the institution who meet the terms of proxy for the directorate, and the term of attorneyship has been increased from 3 months to 4 months.

How can another country program be used in international schools?

For international schools, the relevant country's curriculum and weekly lesson schedules approved by the Ministry can also be used by newly opened international schools that have received an equivalence certificate from the authorized institution of the same country, if the General Directorate deems it appropriate.

What is the validity period of the programs approved by the Ministry? What will be done about expired programs?

The provision that the programs approved by the Ministry are valid for 7 years from the date of approval has been repealed, and the programs that are decided to be abolished according to the results of the annual evaluation by the General Directorate will be published on the website of the General Directorate and will be abolished after 6 months.

How will the course completion, level determination and level completion exams and other exams required by the program be implemented?

In accordance with the sixth and seventh paragraphs of Article 6 of the Law, the procedures and principles regarding the application of the course completion, level determination and level completion exams to be held in the districts by establishing an exam executive commission and other exams required by the program will be determined by the Directive to be prepared by the General Directorate.

In which institutions can student club and community service activities be held?

Student clubs and community service activities carried out within the scope of the Social Activities Regulation can only be carried out in schools, special education and rehabilitation centers and social activity centers.

Which documents will be required for the registration of trainees to in-service training centers?

In the registration of the trainees to the in-service training centers, a list of the TR ID number, name and surname, date of birth and education status of the trainees will be requested from the workplaces of the trainees, and SGK monthly premium and service certificates of those on the list.

According to which legislation will student enrollment in vocational education centers be made?

Student enrollment in vocational education centers will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of National Education Secondary Education Institutions Regulation.

How will boarding services be provided in schools?

Boarding services can be provided in schools. The standards of the dormitories and hostels where the boarding service will be provided and the boarding service standards will be determined by the General Directorate and published on the website.

How will the tuition fee be calculated for those who will transfer to the intermediate classes of private schools?

The tuition fee of those who will transfer to the intermediate classes of private schools is the tuition fee announced in the previous academic year; It will be determined by increasing the average (Domestic PPI+CPI)/2 ratio of the previous year by at most 5%.

How will the tuition fees of students attending private schools be calculated?

The fee of the students who attend the school is the tuition fee determined in the student registration agreement; It will be determined by increasing the average (Domestic PPI+CPI)/2 ratio of the previous year by at most 5%.

How will the next year's tuition fees be calculated for private school students whose discount conditions for the year they are studying are no longer valid?

The next year's tuition fees for the students who continue to school and whose discount conditions for the year they study are no longer exist, are for each year in which the student receives education at the non-discounted price in the year in which the student is enrolled; It will be determined by increasing the average (Y.İ-PPI+CPI)/2 ratio of the previous year by at most 5%. Sample calculations of the above questions: TUIK data ? The rate of change (%) is taken into account according to the twelve-month averages.

Can fees be charged under different names in social activity centers?

Social activity centers will not be charged under any name.

How will the fees for the services to be provided other than the education and training services of the institutions be determined?

Institutions, students or trainees; will separately determine and announce the fees they will receive for meals, breakfast, service, hostel/dormitory, books-stationery, clothing, study and similar services until the end of May. The services in this paragraph are not obligatory, and the students of the parents who request it will benefit.

When will the wage announcement be made in institutions other than Private Schools and in vocational and technical Anatolian high schools that receive education support?

Tuition fees for motor vehicle driver courses and private transportation services vocational training and development courses are paid until the end of January, tuition fees of other institutions and tuition fees and other fees of vocational and technical Anatolian high schools that receive education support in accordance with Article 12 of the Law, excluding the fields specified in the communiqué, are from January. It will be announced by the end of May.

How will the registration of students who do not pay their fees in private schools be followed?

The condition of carrying out an examination for the transfer of the student whose registration will be canceled due to non-payment of the fee has been abolished, and the transfer of these students will be transferred to another private school or, through the student placement and transfer commission, to the appropriate public school or open education high school within the framework of the provisions of the relevant legislation to which the official institutions are subject.

How will the fees of the winners of the schools that accept students by exam after enrolling in a private school be refunded?

Those who certify that they are enrolled in the 9th grade of public schools who enroll in private schools but take students with an exam before the start of the academic year will be refunded without any deduction.

How long is the refund period for students/trainees leaving the institutions?

A one-month time limit has been imposed on reimbursement of students/trainees leaving the institutions.

What action will be taken regarding student absenteeism in vocational and technical Anatolian high schools opened inside or outside the organized industrial zone?

In the examinations/investigations/audits made by those authorized to inspect vocational and technical Anatolian high schools opened in or outside the organized industrial zone, biometric identity verification system or camera imaging system records regarding student attendance will be examined. In case of detection of irregularities, action will be taken in accordance with Article 7 of the Law.

When applying administrative fines, on which date will the gross minimum wage be taken as a basis?

Administrative fines specified in the law will be determined by the competent authority over the gross minimum wage in force on the day the act was committed.

By whom will administrative fines and institution closure penalties be processed into the MEBBIS system?

Administrative fines and institution closure penalties will be entered into the MEBBIS system by the authority authorized to issue the establishment permit, workplace and work permit. Administrative fines are imposed by the Ministry only in schools, but will be entered into the MEBBIS system by the Governorships.

To whom and under what conditions will education and training support be given?

In private vocational and technical Anatolian high schools, education and training support will be provided for each student who is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, except for the students who will be educated free of charge as per the law, provided that the student continues to school and does not fail due to absenteeism.

When will education and training support be paid?

Education and training support to be provided for an academic year is determined by the list of students registered at the school on the first working day of the second week of November, February and June, and 35% of the students are registered in November, 35% in February and 30% in June. will be paid to the school.

How will the data matrix be used in institutions?

In the advertisements, announcements or all kinds of promotional activities of the institutions, the data matrix containing the information about the institution will be included. The QR code will be located at the entrance of the institution where it can be easily seen.

What actions will be taken regarding the applicants to open an institution before the change in the regulation?

On the date when the regulation change came into effect, he applied to the relevant institutions to obtain any of the documents in subparagraphs (l) or (m) of the second paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulation, or who applied to open an institution in the national education directorates, regarding the building and garden specified in articles 11 and 12. conditions will not be required.

Which students are added to the score calculation that is taken as a basis in the application for free education to private schools?

Athletes who have been certified by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to have achieved success in national and international competitions in Olympic or Paralympic branches within the criteria determined by the Ministry of Youth and Sports with the regulation made in Annex-7 and Annex-8 of the Regulation, and international science through the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). Additional points were provided in the free reading application evaluations of students who achieved degrees by participating in the Olympics, national science Olympics and national project competitions.

Have any changes been made in the annexes of the regulation?

Regulations have been made in the annexes Annex-1, Annex-2, Annex-2/A, Annex-3, Annex-3/A, Annex-3/B, Annex-4 and Annex-10 in line with the provisions of the relevant article and Annex- 3/C has been added.

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